Let’s speculate!

So, from time to time I check out the job postings at TiVo – and sigh wistfully, wishing I worked there. But the more upbeat aspect is looking at what they’re hiring for, and then pondering what the hell they’re up to. :-)

I did it again today, and I thought I’d share to see what people think…

The job postings are here: http://www.tivo.com/5.8.asp
I’ll put the rest behind a cut…

Most interesting is this: http://www.tivo.com/5.8.2.asp?listing=288
Japanese language UI Designer

We are looking for a User Interface Designer to work on a Japanese language product.

Well, that’s interesting. TiVo has never release any products in Japan. Sure, Sony licenses their code, and has produced DVRs for the Japanese market that use the core, but never a ‘TiVo’ with the TiVo interface. Nothing that has been produced, or branded, by TiVo directly. I wonder what’s in the works here? Could be interesting…

Here’s another little tidbit: http://www.tivo.com/5.8.2.asp?listing=296
System Engineer Job

The Platform Engineering Group is looking for system engineers to technically manage and support external development efforts to port TiVo’s technology to new platforms and architectures. As a software engineer, the candidate must be effective at designing, developing and debugging core system software components with third parties, working at low levels of the system (including TiVo’s version of the Linux kernel, device drivers and system utilities), diagnosing hardware/software interfaces, and working with 3rd party software. As a technical liason, the candidate must be comfortable interfacing with external vendors and customers, establishing and driving software requirements and deliverables, and communicating status and issues to management.

OK – fairly standard stuff. An engineer who works with partners like Toshiba, Pioneer, et al, to enable TiVo on their products.

But this was also in there:

  • Familiarity with RISC CPU architectures, especially MIPS and ARM
  • Familiarity with Linux kernel development and porting the kernel to new CPU/hardware architectures

*That* is interesting. OK, you probably need to be a geek for it to be interesting. See, the TiVo Series1 ran on PowerPC core CPUs, the Series2 runs on MIPS core CPUs. Different CPU architectures require changes to code – porting – to make the software work, because each architecture has a different command set, etc. (Modem Macs also run on the PowerPC core, Windows machines, as probably everyone knows, run on the ‘x86′ architecture.) “OK,” I hear you ask, “Why is this interesting?” Because TiVo has never used the ARM core. ARM CPUs are used in many things – PalmOS PDAs, PocketPC, embedded devices, etc. They’re fairly popular chips. If TiVo is looking for someone with experience ‘especially ARM’, then one would think they’re developing some product that uses that CPU. Switching CPUs is not a minor thing. So – Series3? A new partner who insists on using ARM? Curious…

A few tidbits: http://www.tivo.com/5.8.2.asp?listing=207
Software Engineer – System Software

The System Software Group is seeking a software engineer to design and develop software related to the TiVo media pipeline.

  • Experience with media pipeline architectures (e.g. QuickTime, DirectShow) is required.
  • Working knowledge of popular audio formats (examples include: MP3, Dolby Digital, WMA, .wav)

Curious – I wonder what TiVo would be looking for experience with things like QuickTime? TiVoToGo enhancements? Moving video from the PC to the TiVo?
So, just wondering what they’re up to. :-)

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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