TiVo’s latest newsletter…
| bgcolor="#ffffff"> | TiVo Subscriber Newsletter | Volume 84 | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
| | Letter from the Editor Woo-wee! Now you can get Lost every single week AND bow down to your American Idol all season long. Just in time for season finales, you can record 2 shows at once* when you treat yourself to the brand-new TiVo® Series2™ DT (dual tuner) DVR with 1 year pre-paid service for only $254. Now that’s a sweet deal! This hot, new box also comes with built-in Ethernet, eliminating the need for a phone line and making the whole "connect your TiVo® box to your home network" thing a "snap!" Literally. Did I already shout, "Woo-wee!"? Brought to you by the letters D and T, Shanan P.S. When it comes to TiVo, Moms deserve to get the whole package. Luckily, we’ve got plenty ‘em at our Mother’s Day Gift Center. In case you already bought Mom a TiVo® box at a retail store, simply seal the deal with a TiVo service gift subscription and pat yourself on the back. | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | Table of Contents TiVo Tip TiVo Rewards Most-Recorded Shows Need Help? About This Newsletter TiVo Hotlinks | | |
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bgcolor="#999999"> | | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> color="#ff9900">Announcing the world’s first-ever TiVo Ambassador! size="2"> Watch the Showcase video that shares the story of how we found him (plus, you’ll get a good peek at TiVo headquarters as I give him the tour). And read for yourself how he feels about $25,000 in cash and a new Mini Cooper in his first blog and on tivo.com/fan. size="2"> Passion could pay off for you, too, dear subscriber. But first things first: Register for the TiVo Rewards™ program and we’ll look forward to giving you a proper thank you. size="1"> Back to top | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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bgcolor="#999999"> | | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> color="#ff9900"> TiVo® Tip: Simulcast Your Favorite Games size="2"> This one’s for real sports fans…those with a preference for not just their favorite team, but their favorite sportscaster, too. If you’ve ever tried to listen to a sporting event on the radio and watch it "live" on TV, you already know that the TV program is delayed by several seconds so the audio precedes the video. If you happen to have your computer near your TV, here’s a helpful tip from fellow subscriber M. Tyson who writes, "Now I can watch the TV program and listen to my favorite sports commentators, all in synch, thanks to TiVo." Using his favorite university’s webcast, Mr. Tyson synchronizes the online audio from the webcast with the TiVo® video like this: - Mute your TV audio and turn up the audio from the webcast
- Hits PAUSE at a note-worthy moment (for instance, a basket being scored)
and wait for the audio to catch up. - Then hit PLAY on your TiVo® remote.
- If you wait a smidge too long, just use your FAST-FORWARD buttons.
The two stay in synch from then on, at least until you rewind 8 seconds to see the horrible call that the official made or missed! Have a suggestion of your own? Be a TiVo tipster and tell us how YOU use the amazing TiVo service to get exactly what you want. Back to top | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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| DELPHI XM MYFI: 40,000 points Some swear this is the next best thing to "TiVo for radio"… |
Refer a Friend! size="2">Passion pays off. Register for the TiVo Rewards program and start earning TiVo Points, redeemable for great rewards with every successful referral! It’s free, easy, and open to all. | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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bgcolor="#999999"> | | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> color="#ff9900">Get Connected, Get FREE*** Music! size="2"> Yet another great benefit for broadband-connected TiVo subscribers: You get 75 FREE*** songs from eMusic! Download yours now. Not yet connected? Do it today, I say — the TiVo Wireless G Network Adapter makes it preposterously simple — so you can enjoy more of your amazing TiVo features, all included as part of your regular TiVo service. (Have you watched the Showcase video for a demo of all these outrageously cool features and services? They’re all included so why deprive your fabulous self of what you could be enjoying from the comfort of your couch?). eMusic, by the by, works with the iPod® or any MP3 player, and, of course, with your Digital Music player on your Series2™ box. Indie music fans will be particularly pleased with the selection of over 1 million songs. size="1"> Back to top | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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bgcolor="#999999"> | | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> color="#ff9900">Vote with Your Remote for a Chance to Win! size="2"> Oooooooooh, we’re halfway there — and the heat is on! Even if the names Ace, Taylor, and Paris mean nothing to you, it’s a great excuse to get connected and go to "Music, Photos, Products & More" today for a chance to win! Simply select "Idol Speculation" and make your best guess. Just for playing you’ll automatically be entered for a chance to win one of 101 fun prizes in our weekly drawings. You don’t even have to guess right. Like I said: Easy. And like you wouldn’t want this Grand Prize (you know, the one you keep e-mailing me about, ahem)? See official rules for details. size="2">Wondering what your fellow TiVo subscribers are speculating? We’re keeping tabs every week in the TiVo Blog. Back to top | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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bgcolor="#999999"> | | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> color="#ff9900">Sox it to ‘em size="2"> "I’ve been a ‘TiVo-tee’ and early adopter for at least 3 years now. Can’t remember LBT — Life Before TiVo," writes Dan S. "I want to share a game I made up with my young girls, ages 6 and 9, while watching our beloved Red Sox to teach them the strike zone–the essence of baseball, really — and make the game a little more interactive. I find we don’t really need to keep score, but it really helps my kids stay focused on the game, and to learn what the pitchers and batters are trying to do." size="2"> - Get your kids to watch closely while the pitcher is winding up.
- Hit the PAUSE button when the catcher catches the ball.
- Taking turns on each pitch, ask your kids to guess whether the pitch
was a strike or a ball (after teaching them what a strike is). - Resume PLAY and see if the umpire agrees!
Batter up! size="1"> size="2">Bonus Tip: Use WishList® searches to find and record all your favorite games. Create a keyword search for RED SOX. Or use the WishList® feature to search by Category only, selecting "Sports" as a category, and "Baseball" as a sub-category. Don’t forget to pad your recording in case the game goes into those nail-biting extra innings. size="1"> Back to top | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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| | valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff"> size="3" color="#FF9900">New E-Mail? Update your address (e-mail and snail mail) at tivo.com/manage. color="#FF9900">About This Newsletter This newsletter is brought to you by TiVo! If you received the newsletter as a forward and you want to subscribe yourself, sign up today. By submitting comments to TiVo, you grant TiVo Inc. a nonexclusive, irrevocable right to use your comments in any way it desires without notice or compensation to you. color="#FF9900">TiVo Hotlinks size="2">If you need help with any aspect of using your TiVo box or service, visit our online Customer Support. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this newsletter, e-mail the editor. (Unfortunately, due to volume received, not every e-mail can be answered.) Update your e-mail address, snail mail, account preferences and more at Manage My Account. Search TV listings or schedule recordings with Online Scheduling at TiVo Central Online. Back to top | bgcolor="#ffffff"> | |
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* Record 2 basic cable channels, or one basic cable and one digital cable channel, at once. *** Offer available to first-time eMusic customers only. Credit card required. eMusic and the eMusic logo are trademarks of eMusic.com Inc. All Rights Reserved. TiVo, the TiVo logo, ‘TiVo, TV Your Way,’ TiVoToGo™, Season Pass™, and WishList® are trademarks or registered trademarks of TiVo Inc’s subsidiaries. ©2006 TiVo Inc. 2160 Gold Street Alviso, CA 95002-2160. All rights reserved. Please feel free to review our Privacy Policy. |

About MegaZone
MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging. MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms:
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