CableLabs has issued a new press release:
Louisville, Colorado, November 13, 2006—Working in conjunction with various technology providers, CableLabs® has opened a streamlined process under which retail “Plug and Play†devices can receive multiple streams of programming from new multi-stream CableCARD™s (or M-Card™s). The CableLabs effort was supported by TiVo, Motorola, Digeo, Solekai, Digital Keystone, and ViXS.
So, what does this mean? Well, the TiVo Series3 was designed to use two single-stream cards, or it can use one M-Card. However, there hasn’t been a way to certify devices for M-Card, so the S3 has been effectively limited to using two cards. Now that TiVo can certify it for M-Card, and as M-Cards hit the market, users will be able to use one card:
The M-Card interface will allow multiple digital video streams to be decrypted simultaneously, even on unidirectional devices. Thus, a cable subscriber using an M-Card-enabled “Plug and Play†device can view one cable channel, while recording another. It is expected that DVR type devices will be the first to make use of the new multi-stream interface.
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