TiVo Survey Reveals Top 10 Most Unforgettable TV Moments of 2006 According to American TV Viewers

As the year draws to a close, American TV viewers reveal their top picks for the most memorable TV moments of 2006 in a poll conducted by TiVo Inc. (Nasdaq: TIVO), the company that created the digital video recorder (DVR) and continues to revolutionize the way Americans watch television. These are the moments that got America talking, from the shocking to the hilarious, and stopped viewers in their tracks, becoming the subject of water-cooler conversations, website and blog chatter, and, in some cases, pop culture phenomena in their own right. The TiVo(R) service makes finding and capturing the most sought-after moments on television simple and easy, leading millions of viewers to agree that it is the best way to watch television. TiVo commissioned a survey through top poll company Synovate to find out what moments Americans remember as the TV highlights of 2006.

Top TV Moments of 2006 Survey Results
1 Katie Couric’s last day on “Today”
2 Mel Gibson’s interview with Diane Sawyer after his DWI arrest
3 Oprah tells author James Frey he betrayed readers
4 Sara and Grissom get together on “CSI”
5 Faith Hill’s reaction to Carrie Underwood’s win at “CMA Awards”
6 Kirstie Alley’s bikini reveal on “Oprah”
7 “Will & Grace” series finale in which their kids start dating
8 Kate and Sawyer get together on “Lost”
9 Rosie O’Donnell’s debut on “The View”
10 Connie Chung attempting a sultry serenade of Maury Povich

Hmm, I saw one of those – #10 – only because it was shown on The Daily Show, I believe. Maybe The Colbert Report. :-) This looks like a fluff survey done as a publicity stunt to get TiVo’s name in the press during the holiday shopping season.

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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