TiVo Cares & Gives Back for the Holidays

I was forwarded this email from someone within TiVo – don’t ask, because I’m not telling. It is nice to see companies doing things to support some causes, and TiVo is raising money for victims of Katrina, as well as James Kim’s family, by selling some unique items. Note that these items appear to be available only to employees, so don’t be calling TiVo trying to order one. Of course, if you know someone who works for TiVo, you can always ask them. (Unless some TiVo employee wants to jump in here and offer to proxy order for people. ;-) ) I’ve reformatted the email from a hideous MS Outlook markup mess into somewhat cleaner HTML to post, but the content is unchanged. (I know one of the sentences seems broken, it was like that when I got it.) So the formatting is my cleanup of the original, the content is TiVo.

The email…

TiVo Cares & Gives Back for the Holidays

Katrina Disaster

still in need….

Hurricane Katrina struck the New Orleans area early morning August 29, 2005. The storm surge breached the city’s levees at multiple points, leaving 80
percent of the city submerged, tens of thousands of victims clinging to rooftops, and hundreds of thousands scattered to shelters around the country. Three weeks later, Hurricane Rita reflooded much of the area. The devastation to the Gulf Coast by these two hurricanes has been called the greatest disaster in our nation’s history.

With every TiVo Toaster sold, TiVo is able to donate $9 to The Katrina Fund.

James, Kati and SabineJames Kim

As much of the country knows, James Kim tragically lost his life while trying to save his stranded family. What much of the country may not know is that James worked for one of our TiVo partners, CNET. He was a Senior Technical editor covering digital audio and consumer product reviews for CNET. He was also featured in many of CNET’s weekly broadcasts on TiVoCast. CNET is one of TiVo’s early TiVoCast partners. When James was featured, his video segments were anywhere from three to ten minutes in length.

While the TiVoCast team did not work directly with James, he would have been well known to TiVoCast subscribers as CNET receives
the most downloads of all of the TiVoCast partners. Like many of our working relationships here at TiVo, our partners at CNET worked with him very closely with James. They have lost a great colleague and
more importantly, a friend.

With every TiVo Snow Globe sold, TiVo is able to donate $5 to The James Kim Family Trust Fund.


Tivo Snow Globes: $28

Tivo Toaster: $45

How to Order

These products are currently on display outside the shipping room in TiVolution. If you are interested in purchasing an item, please bring a check made payable to TiVo. We will be accepting orders starting today, and for the snow globes you may pick them up now, however the toasters will arrive beginning of February. There are limited quantities available and this is a one time order, so be sure to get your order in ASAP.

Additional information about these organizations can be found on their websites:



About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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