TiVo News #101: Do you watch ‘Earth’ on TV?

The latest TiVo newsletter…

TiVo Subscriber Newsletter | Volume 101
Letter from the Editor

Video’s done nothing to kill my favorite radio star. In fact, I dare say Showtime’s given Ira Glass new life. Last weekend, once I finally had alone time with my couch, I devoured three episodes of This American Life, a derivation-made-for-television of the beloved Chicago Public Radio Show, 15 years running. Not only did I mark each episode “Save until I delete,” I also found myself begging for more—and scheduling time with my Showtime-less friend to join me in a week.

It’s not often that I suggest sampling my personal TV tastes, but this show kept my mind off the leftover chocolate eggs in the next room for at least an hour and a half, and that’s saying something. Not to mention the fact that my radio-turned-video star Ira is a H-U-G-E TiVo fan, too, and there’s something to be said for birds of a feather. Really, it’s reality TV that will keep you rapt.

You can watch an episode online here (and you can always listen to the podcast of the radio show from your TiVo box; just select Music, Photos, Products, & More, then Podcaster). But first, I’ll give you the TiVo news you can use below.

What are you watching?


P.S. So we get report cards now? Personal-technology columnist for the New York Times, David Pogue, recently graded some only-on-TiVo features, summarizing as follows: “This is a lot of icing on an already delicious cake.” See if you agree. Confidential to David: Know

that you’re always invited to our party.

Table of Contents

TiVo Tip: Try TiVoCast

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Home Movie Sharing

Amazon Unbox on TiVo

TiVo Rewards

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TiVo Tip: Try TiVoCast

You’re not still watching your favorite Web videos on a three-inch rectangle in your Web browser, are you? With TiVoCast, your broadband-connected TiVo box can auto-record Web videos from CNET, The New York Times, Rocketboom, The Onion and other sources just the way it records TV shows so you can enjoy them on your big-screen TV. And we’ve got something for everyone: women’s interests, health & lifestyle, extreme sports, Internet humor. Best to browse now and browse often to find out what you’re missing:

  • From TiVo Central, select Find Programs
  • Select TiVoCast
  • Browse broadcast providers
  • Select your favorites and do that TiVo thing you do so well

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Save over $200 plus get a wireless adapter!

Get connected with this great offer before it’s too late: Purchase a 180-hour TiVo® Series2â„¢ DT DVR with any 3-year commit plan, and we’ll throw in the loveliest looking wireless adapter you’ve ever seen for just one penny. Or hook a friend up, why don’t you? Offer ends April 30, 2007.

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Schedule it: Planet Earth

“This you have to see to believe,” said Oprah Winfrey about “Planet Earth,” an 11-part mother-of-all nature series currently being shown on the Discovery Channel Sunday nights. The BBC, which produced the series with Discovery, used helicopters, long lenses and cutting-edge film techniques to humble and inspire us mere humans for this five-year global odyssey. Catch an episode to enjoy with the whole family.

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Share 5 home movies free

“A match made in heaven!” TiVo subscriber Theresa C. proclaimed when she heard TiVo and One True Media teamed up to bring you the coolest new TiVo feature: Home Movie Sharing.

“While at work (shhh, don’t tell the boss!) I went to my OTM account and created my own TiVo channel—it was so easy and took only a minute! When I got home, I watched my video montage on my HD TiVo. The quality of sound and picture was fabulous—and it was so easy! After testing it out, I called my Mom and Dad (LA), Sister (Vegas) and Brother (Orange County) who all have networked TiVo boxes, too, and told them to watch my latest ‘movie.’ They loved it! Dad didn’t even have to leave his comfy armchair to go in to the computer room to see my latest pics. Love it! Loving you!”

Hurry, you, too, will love it, especially when you try it for free: Sign up with One True Media and create your first five montages for free before April 30th. (After April 30th, it’s $3.99/month; receiving montages is always free.)

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Download NHL® action from Unbox on TiVo!

It’s breakaway news, just in time for Stanley Cup®: Now you can download Stanley Cup and National Hockey League (NHL) games directly to your Now Playing List, so you’ll never miss a minute of the game. NHL and Amazon.com announced that hockey fans can now get full-length regular, post-season and classic games to play back on their TiVo box whenever (the puck) they want. (PAUSE-worthy sports trivia: The Stanley Cup is the oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in North America.)

And don’t forget your freebies! Register your broadband-connected TiVo® Series2â„¢ or Series3â„¢ DVR by April 30th, and get $15 in free movies and TV downloads from Amazon Unbox on TiVo, including all the NHL action you can stand.

NHL and Stanley Cup are registered trademarks and the NHL Shield is a trademark of the National Hockey League. All Rights Reserved.
Sorry, not available on Series1 or DIRECTV TiVo boxes.

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The TiVo Card

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Canon SD750 Digital Camera

Point Value: 40,000

It would be a snap to spend some TiVo Rewards points on this incredible digital camera.

Need to remind some friends they need a TiVo® box of their own? Send one of these postcards and maybe you’ll score some TiVo Rewardsâ„¢ points while you’re at it.
Fan MailKelly D. from Los Gatos, CA, sent us this picture drawn by her daughter Shannon, age 9.

No, we don’t make this stuff up. You send us a story or photo of your favorite TiVo moment and we make a RECORD of it—from TiVo birthday cakes to TiVo tattoos to TiVo what-have-you.

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TiVo Hotlinks

If you need help with any aspect of using

your TiVo box or service, visit our online

Customer Support. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding

this newsletter, e-mail the editor.

(Unfortunately, due to volume received, not every e-mail can be answered.)

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About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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