Five free Blu-ray site is live

The previously posted promotional site is now up. It clarifies some things and introduces a new restriction – the 21 available titles are divided into five groups, and you have to pick just one from each category.

The qualifying Blu-ray Disc players are: Sony BDP-S1, Sony BDP-S300/301, PlayStation 3, Panasonic DMP-BD10K, Panasonic DMP-BD10AK, Philips BDP9000/37, Pioneer BDP-94HD, Samsung BD-P1000, and Samsung BD-P1200.

And the titles you can select from, grouped by row:

1The GuardianPearl HarborInvincibleChicken Little
2Corpse BridePhantom of the OperaBlazing Saddles 
3StealthResident Evil 2Underworld EvolutionStir of Echoes
4The Italian JobBlack RainBabelDevil’s Rejects
5Kiss of the DragonOmen 666The Transporter 2Species
Hart’s WarThe Last Waltz  

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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