TiVo News: Dreaming in HD of Fall TV

The latest TiVo newsletter:

TiVo Subscriber Newsletter | Volume

Letter from the editor

I’ve got to tell you: The prospect of crisp, clear, new fall TV (like ABC’s Brothers & Sisters, one of my favorites) on my new TiVo HD DVR has made me giddier than ever for the networks’ new lineups. I’m even looking forward to—and I can’t believe I’m saying this—football season, which is really saying something since I’ve never been known for my Super Bowl parties. But that was before I realized that the grass on that gridiron is really that razor-sharp. And green—my goodness, is it gorgeously greener!

Speaking of “The Season,” don’t you worry: We’ve got plans to instant replay our Fall TV Guru Guide so it’s easy to automatically record all the season premieres, including new shows and old favorites, online or from your couch. Keep your eye on this newsletter or periodically check the “Guru Guides” under “Find Programs” from TiVo Central.

Don’t delay, order your new TiVo HD DVR.

To drama & comedy,

P.S. I’ve been getting lots of rave reviews from you TiVo Swivel searchers out there. And yes, it can be a bit addictive, wondering if you’re just one swivel away from some serious TV riches. If you haven’t yet ventured on a search yourself, I’ll show you how it works and where to find it here. Oh, and you’ve got to see the coat I’m wearing.

Table of Contents

TiVo HD: Sharp. Savvy. Sweet.

Have you had your TiVoCast today?

Are you broadband-connected folks getting your fix of free program downloads a la TiVoCast? (And if you’re not yet broadband-connected, what on Earth are you waiting for?) Here are just a few shows available now, ready-to-download to your Now Playing List with a click of your TiVo remote:

Tech columnist John C. Dvorak hosts a group of panelists discussing the most controversial topics in technology today on CrankyGeeks.

You’ll feel lucky getting gambling tips galore, straight from Vegas, on the Players Network! And if you’re luckier, maybe you’ll also get an Elvis sighting – or twenty-four.

>From game reviews to THX® training, the geeks at DL.TV grace your Now Playing List twice weekly with hot new product reviews, technical how-tos, and more.

To download TiVoCast programs to your TiVo box, you must be broadband-connected. Then from TiVo Central select Find Programs, then Download TV & Movies.

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NEW: TiVo Desktop Digs DivX® & Microsoft Vista!

If you’re a fan of the digital media format DivX (you know who you are) and/or someone who is married to all things Microsoft (I know who you are; I read your emails, remember), you’ll love the latest version of TiVo Desktop, oh yes, you will. Included in version 2.5 are the following:

–   Support for the DiVX format. Earlier this year, an update to TiVo Desktop allowed you to transfer Web (video) downloads and personal videos saved on your PC to your broadband-connected TiVo box in order to enjoy them on your TV. Now you can now use your favorite PC video editor to save your personal camcorder memories as DiVX files and do the same. Perhaps you’d also like to check out all the cool, downloadable DiVX videos at Stage6.com, a high-quality video site that lets anyone upload, download, view, share and experience everything from short clips captured on mobile phones to full-length, high-definition feature films.
–   Support for Windows Vista. Yes, I said it..

Get TiVo Desktop 2.5 today.

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TiVo Tip: Talking TV

Have you heard about the non-TV show that’s all about a TV show? Many networks are keeping the conversation going, even during a program’s hiatus, with ready-to-stream audio called podcasts, which are like mini radio shows that begin whenever you say so. You can hear ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy executive producers discuss the season finale and the fan questions Lost executive producers got at Comic-Con 2007. (Both are still available for listening under TiVo’s Podcaster feature.) Next time you’re comfortable on your couch, have a listen. Here’s how:

– If you haven’t already connect your TiVo box to your home network.
– From TiVo Central, select Music, Photos, Products, & More
– Select Podcaster
– From “Featured” or “Entertainment,” select shows like “ABC’s Lost” or ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy.” Or enter the RSS feed of your favorite podcast.

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Poll Results: “Wonder” No More

In the last TiVo newsletter (July 24) we asked over a million of you the following burning question: “What’s the next classic cartoon or comic book you’d like to see on the big-screen?” As promised, here are the results, which TVGuide.com also recently found fit to print (Hey, everyone wants to get in the head of a TiVo subscriber, right?):

In the comic book category we want to see Wonder Woman. A lot. She won 29 percent of the vote. The Green Lantern came in second with 26 percent.

In the cartoon TV show category, The Jetsons reigned with a whopping 30 percent of us voters giving them three thumbs up while The Family Guy came in second with 25 percent. Oh, and don’t be blue: The Smurfs skipped along next with 18 percent.

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Amazon Unbox on TiVo

Ghost Rider
Featured Amazon Unbox titles can be downloaded directly to your Now Playing List. Rent one of these hot movie titles between August 17th and August 19th for just 99¢ each.

There are 1000′s of movies & TV shows to download to your TiVo box at the Amazon Unbox Video Download store. Also, check out the Top Selling Movies to Rent and Top Selling Movies to Buy.

Learn how to try it yourself.

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The TiVo MasterCard

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Canon SD750 Digital Camera
TiVo Rewards

Canon SD750 Digital Camera

Point Value: 40,000

Perhaps the most picture-perfect reason yet to love the TiVo Rewards™ program.

Need to remind some friends they need a TiVo® box of their own? Send one of these postcards and maybe you’ll score some TiVo Rewards™ points while you’re at it.

TiVo KidZone Guides—you can find them both online and within the TiVo service—are bursting with quality recommendations for kids. Here’s just one highlight:

Discovery Kids Network: Bindi the Jungle Girl1
Best for: 6 & under
Croc Hunter’s spunky daughter carries on his work. The spunky young hostess is just as passionate about wildlife as her famous dad, and catchy song-and-dance numbers add to the learning in a fun, kid-friendly way. Viewers of all ages will come away with a new appreciation for nature’s diversity and be reminded of the importance of preserving animals’ natural habitats.
Bindi the Jungle Girl
Discovery Kids

Set up TiVo KidZone. It’s easy!

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WishList® Search Suggestions

Survey says you’re still not taking full advantage of one of TiVo’s best features: the WishList search. There is no better way to personalize your TV experience, so grab that remote and customize. From TiVo Central, select Find Programs, then Create a WishList search, and then…:

Keyword: “HARRY POTTER”  It’ll be like magic, what TiVo turns up.
Title: “CITIZEN KANE”  Have a “rosebud” delivered to your Now Playing List.
Actor: HOFFMAN, PHILIP SEYMOUR “See more” better films. (Okay, bad joke.)
Category: Talk Shows/Comedy It’s laughable how many are out there.

Once you create your search term, you can choose to “View upcoming episodes” every 14 days or so, or set it to auto-record every match. And if you’ve got good suggestions to share, send ‘em to Shanan.

Bonus Tip: Use the PAUSE button for quotes (“), which indicate exact phrase.

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The Funny Thing About Primaries…

One down, three to go – those being Presidential candidates lined up to visit Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” over the next couple of weeks. Sen. Joseph Biden, the Delaware Democrat who appeared on the show last winter on the day he announced his candidacy, was first up. On Aug. 16, Republican John McCain makes his 10th appearance, followed by another Republican, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, on Aug. 20. On Aug. 22, Democratic contender Barack Obama returns to the show for a second time, his first as a declared candidate.

And just to prepare you: “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” has plans to travel to the sites of both the Republican and Democratic conventions for a week of shows next summer as part of its “Indecision 2008″ coverage. And it’s said that “The Colbert Report” will take a road trip to South Carolina around that state’s primary.

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If you have questions or comments regarding this newsletter, you can email the editor. (Unfortunately, due to volume received, not every email can be answered.) By submitting comments, you grant TiVo Inc. a nonexclusive, irrevocable right to use your comments in any way it desires without notice or compensation to you.

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©2007 TiVo Inc. The TiVo logo, TiVo, Series2, Series3 and WishList® are registered trademarks or trademarks of TiVo Inc. worldwide. TiVo Inc. 2160 Gold Street Alviso, CA 95002-2160. All rights reserved. Please feel free to review our Privacy Policy.

1 Television show and its producers are not sponsored by or affiliated with TiVo.

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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