The Wall Street Journal today has an article about TiVo’s market research business, specifically a new ‘Power Watch’ product which provides marketers with more specifics about users and their viewing habits. Viewer specific demographic data such as age, income, marital status, and ethnicity will be combined with viewing data, such as which programs are watched and which ads are watched, or skipped, to provide a more detailed picture for advertisers. Now, before you get all up in arms about your privacy, this data is drawn from a pool of 20,000 volunteer households who have agreed to have this data gathered. As an incentive the volunteers are entered into a raffle for a free TiVo unit.
TiVo’s service competes with Nielsen, which provides advertisers with similar data. However, Nielsen’s pool is only 3,000 households, and TiVo allows advertisers to survey users via an interactive poll, while Nielsen does not allow advertisers to communicate with their survey pool. (Via Gizmodo)