The TiVo Newsletter | Volume 115 | Letter From the Editor  As we gear up for the year’s most anticipated red-carpet event on February 24th–the 80th Annual Academy Awards presentation, 5 p.m. PT on ABC–my recommendation is that you stock up on plenty of red-hearts and red vines, because there is a lot of award-winning entertainment that is bound to get your heart racing during the shortest month of year. And that’s not including my own birthday on the 26th, ha! While hopefully Hollywood will start showing those poor industry writers some true love, I’ve managed to dig up some great TV options to keep you rapt through the winter’s rain and snow, including a little something to tickle every fancy (and probably fetish, too) both in the world of television and film. Speaking of love and devotion, the History Channel’s “Modern Marvels: 90s Tech” will be covering technologies we just can’t live without on Thursday, February 7th. You probably won’t have to PAUSE long to realize something you intimately know made the cut. So schedule a recording and get ready for your heart to fast-forward a few beats. Read on and enjoy the show(s). XOXO, Shanan | |
TiVo Tip: Get ‘em on the CouchCupid has been keeping busy so you can browse the TiVo St. Valentine’s Guru Guides either online or from the coziest corner of your couch (From Find Programs, select Guru Guide Recommendations), all in the name of making hearts sing (or let’s be frank: sometime they bleed, because romantic love can be oh-so-tragic in its classic Hollywood form). Remember: With one click, you can record a guide in its entirety or schedule just your favorite programs one by one. Which guide will pack your Now Playing List with plenty of TV to love? Depends on whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with a lover, friends, or family, naturally! back to top ^ |
February Means 31 Days of…  …Uncut and commercial-free Oscar®-winning and nominated blasts from the past, all coming to your TV even as we speak, if you’re lucky enough to have TCM. The winner is clearly YOU once you start populating your TiVo® To Do List with as many as 350 movies including everything from Easy Rider to Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, all slotted to air over 31 days, starting February 1st and ending March 2. Tip: From Find Programs, select Record by Time or Channel, then Browse by Channel (check your local listing for TCM’s channel in your area) to schedule the movies that most move and inspire you. back to top ^ |
A Kiss, A Sigh, and The Picture that Captured It All  Just recently, I ran all over a town that’s famous for keeping hearts with a very handsome (albeit, little) man to show my fellow TiVo lovers, just how romantic (not to mention unbelievably easy) it can be to put your friends and family on TV using TiVo’s latest and greatest feature, Photos & Slideshows. And just in time, because now you have a unique way to make your loved one’s heart melt on February 14th when you upload your favorite “couple shots” to Photobucket or Picasa™ Web Albums and leave a trail of rose petals leading to the new, most beautiful photo-frame in the house, which happens to be your TV, rotating through the slideshow of your creative making. Ah, LOVE! Bonus Tip: With the ability to upload any .jpg images to online photo sharing services, don’t forget you can even create your own image in the form of words that may or may not be in the form of, hmmm, how shall I say this… a pop-worthy question, perhaps? If you, er, Do, please send us a picture of that picture-perfect moment so we can share it with the family! After all, passionate love for great entertainment has made many marriages last eternally. back to top ^ |
 More free program downloads!Hearts sing and more in these FREE TiVo downloads, ready-and-waiting for you to hand-select them with your beloved TiVo remote and send them over the moon and straight to your living room, with love, from all of us here at TiVo, awwwww. Now give ‘em a try, won’t you?  | TV Junkies Catch instant analysis of American Idol with TV Junkies. Join the discussion as the experts break down what happened and what it means on our lively post-show wrap-up. |  | Barely Political Now that the presidential election is heating up, watch Barely Political from the team that brought you “Obama Girl,” for all your Political comedy. |  | Super Deluxe Watch 100% Organic Comedy from Super Deluxe. Get a Season Pass and the content will always show up in your TiVo Now Playing List. |
To download your FREE programs: From TiVo Central > Find Programs > Download TV & Movies > TiVoCast. Browse the channels and find the programs you like. You can choose to download just one episode or “Get a Season Pass” and have each delivered to your Now Playing List just like regular television recordings. NOTE: You must be broadband-connected to download TiVoCast content. back to top ^ |
 A Soundtrack for LoveZing! went the strings of my heart when I found out that Rhapsody® music service has a couple of pre-populated playlists that will strike a chord with everyone celebrating Valentine’s this year (we single people can still celebrate!)–and even more so since you can bring these and millions more right to your living room when you’re all comfy on the couch, just you and your TiVo remote, mmmhmmm.  | Try Rhapsody on TiVo, absolutely free for 30 days, while you can! From your broadband-connected TiVo DVR, select Music, Photos, Products, & More, then Rhapsody on TiVo and follow the on-screen instructions. |
It’s Getting Hot In Here A steamy set of provocative songs to get you in the mood for Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day Slow Jams Valentine’s Day. Love it? Hate it? This playlist is for those whose love lives aren’t in shambles, who feel neither depressed nor lonely. Enjoy and try not to gloat too much — next year could be different! Ooooh, and while you’re in the mood, you’ll send me your favorite “love song,” too, won’t you? back to top ^ |
WishList® Search suggestions |  | Looking for more romance–or drama–in 2008? All you have to do is ask, dearies. And don’t forget, The Discovery Channel, HGTV, The Learning Channel, A&E, and many more networks air lots of interesting specials on the chemistry of love, the rules of attraction and the life of Saint Valentine, so open up that heart of yours and ask for exactly what you want. How to create a WishList® search – or twenty: From TiVo Central > Find Programs > WishList® search > then…: | Try: | Why: | Director: HITCHCOCK, ALFRED | Come Feb 23, you’ll realize Alfred’s more than just for The Birds with TCM’s Hitchcockian theme. | Keyword: Award | Yet another way to find some winners. | Keyword: Attraction (or) Love | The science of romance is very seductive TV, I swear. | Title: Iconoclasts | Laugh when you realize what Mike Myers and Deepak Chopra have in common. |
Once you complete your search, you can choose to “View upcoming episodes” every 14 days or so, or set it to auto-record every match. Learn more about WishList Searches. back to top ^ |
TiVo Fan Mail  Thank you for the invention of TiVo! And thank you to my husband, Robby, for the best anniversary and Valentine’s presents ever: both my first and second TiVo DVR! By the way, Robby’s idea of a romantic movie is Office Space, but he’s awfully nice about staying in the room when I watch the Jane Austen movies on PBS. On our Season Pass list is The Office (American and British versions), Amazing Race, Survivor, Deadliest Catch, Reaper, Buffy reruns, and Oprah (and Robby says to say, “Hockey,” too!). - Terri Jackson, Michigan P.S. Robby points out that this picture depicts a rare moment: him getting to hold a TiVo remote! No, we don’t make this stuff up. You send us a story or photo of your favorite TiVo moment and we make a RECORD of it – from TiVo birthday cakes to TiVo tattoos to TiVo what-have-you. back to top ^ |
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If you have questions or comments regarding this newsletter, you can email the editor. (Unfortunately, due to volume received, not every email can be answered, though Shanan wishes she could!) By submitting comments, you grant TiVo Inc. a nonexclusive, irrevocable right to use your comments in any way it desires without notice or compensation to you. back to top ^ |
©2008 TiVo Inc. The TiVo logo, TiVo, and WishList® are registered trademarks or trademarks of TiVo Inc. worldwide. TiVo Inc. 2160 Gold Street Alviso, CA 95002-2160. All rights reserved. Please feel free to review our Privacy Policy. Rhapsody is a registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. |