You Might Notice A Small Change To The Site

Notice anything different about the site today?

Yes, the name of the site has changed. TiVo Lovers is now Gizmo Lovers, with the corresponding URL change to Don’t worry, the old URL and all the old links should still work, they’ll redirect to the new URL. I have registered through December 3, 2016 (and through January 17, 2018), so it should last quite a while. (And I may well keep the domains renewed beyond that point.)

There is one issue – there is no simple way to change the FeedBurner feed’s name and redirect the old one. I thought I’d be able to setup two feeds with the same content – the old and the new. But when I tried that, FeedBurner proved to be too ‘smart’. It noticed the two feeds had the same source and kept giving me conflict errors. In the end I switched the old feed,, to carry only the site updates, and the new feed, is now the full feed. So if you have an RSS reader subscribed to you’ll see this (as it is filed under Site Updates), but not the majority of posts. You need to unsubscribe and re-subscribe to – I’m sorry for the trouble. If you’re subscribed to you needn’t do anything, that has been mapped to the new feed and you should automatically get it. Though you might want to switch to just in case the old domain stops working someday.

Why the name change? There are several reasons:

  • Since the first day I setup the blog the name hasn’t really represented the content of the site, which goes far beyond just TiVo. That’s bothered me for a while.
  • As the site has grown I’ve become increasingly conscious of the fact that I’m using TiVo’s trademark. While they haven’t asked me to stop, they could at any time and would certainly be within their rights to do so. I’d rather do so myself now rather than be forced to do so unplanned at some point.
  • The name itself, ‘TiVo Lovers’, implied a bias to the site. That increasingly bothered me, as it made it easy for people discount the content as biased. It was also an issue when talking to other vendors. For example, when I talked to Digeo’s COO they brought up the name of the site and were concerned about fair coverage. And I certainly understood their concern. Even TiVo had some concerns when I did my Series3 review. They weren’t sure having me as a reviewer would be taken seriously because of the name of the site. Gizmo Lovers is a vendor-neutral name, which should help allay the bias issue.
  • The site has been doing fairly well, and it is being taken more seriously by vendors that I talk to. I was somewhat surprised to have vendors recognize the site when I mentioned it to them, such as at the Blu-ray Disc Association booth during CES. Those discussions made me realize the name was a bit of an issue. And also that I might want to do things like get business cards made to hand out to promote the site and make more contacts – which brings me back to using TiVo’s name and their logo. I wouldn’t feel right using them on a card, even if TiVo didn’t object. And I think this will become more of an issue over time.

So, basically, I felt growing unease about violating TiVo’s trademark on their name and logo, and I increasingly felt that the name was limiting the options for growing and improving the site. Selecting a new name wasn’t easy, Gizmo Lovers was one of several names considered. But most of the domain names were taken, and I felt it was important to have the .com domain to go with the name. In the end Gizmo Lovers was the leading candidate – the domain as available, I liked the tone it implies, and having a similar cadence to the old name was a nice bonus for the transition.

Speaking of the logo, the site is going to need a new one. And I’m absolutely hopeless with graphics. So I’m going to be holding a contest for a new one, that’ll be another post.

I think I’ve managed to fix all of the internal links on the site, but if you noticed anything still pointing to the old URL, or any other troubles, please let me know.

Thank you.

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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