2,500 And Counting – Thank You

I just realized that Sunday’s post on the cable ‘Auto-Flip’ for TiVo software was post number 2,500 for Gizmo Lovers. I’m a little stunned by that, actually. I can’t believe we have that many posts already.

Even more stunning to me is that, at the end of May 2008 we had 2,498 posts, at the end of May 2007 we had 1,278 posts, and at the end of May 2006, 792 posts, May 2005, 367 posts, and May 2004, 86 posts. And May 2003? 10 posts – the first post was in April, 2003. That means year over year the pace of posting has been increasing – June 2003 through May 2004: 76 posts, 2004-2005: 281, 2005-2006: 425, 2006-2007: 486, and 2007-2008: 1,220 posts!

Hey, I suppose that means April was kind of the fifth anniversary of the site too. How about that. I can’t believe it has been five years either. Yeah, the site hasn’t existed in its current incarnation that long, but the foundations upon which the site is built have.

No wonder I often feel a bit tired. I don’t want to think about how much time those posts represent. :-) There have definitely been days when I’ve asked myself “Why the hell do I do this?” But running the site has largely been a labor of love, and I appreciate all of you, the readers, for reading these posts. A special thanks to those who comment, since it helps me feel like I’m not just talking to myself. ;-)

And thank you to the companies, like TiVo and Sling Media, who have allowed us to review their products and given us sneak peaks before release. That’s one of the fun parts of running the site. I certainly hope to be able to bring you more product reviews in the future. (And if you have a product you think we should review, contact us.) Running this site has given me the opportunity to talk with people I never would’ve had the chance to talk with otherwise, company representatives, other bloggers, members of the media, etc. I’m thankful for those opportunities and experiences.

Thank you to the other bloggers who have offered me tips, tricks, and advice to help improve the site and our coverage. And I especially want to single out Dave Zatz of Zatz Not Funny, Alex Raiano of TiVo Blog, Ben Drawbaugh of EngadgetHD, and Brad Linder of PVR Wire. We’ve had repeated contacts via phone, email, IM, Twitter, in person, etc. over the past few years. The blogging community really is a community. (I always dread making a list like that, for fear that I’ll forget someone and unintentionally slight them.)

Thanks also to Ben and Mark, our recent blogger additions, for their contributions to the site, and for contributions yet to come.

This is by no means comprehensive, there have been countless people who have contributed to the site, directly and indirectly, via personal contact, email, comments, posts on other blogs, boards, groups, and forums, etc. I could never list them all. I certainly couldn’t have carried the site this far all on my own.

But most of all, again, thank you to all of the readers who continue to read the words we put out there. Without the readers there wouldn’t really be a point to the site in the first place. So thank you, and I hope that you continue to read an enjoy the site. And leave a comment now and then just so we know you’re out there in the wilds of the Internet. ;-)

Thanks to everyone, and I’ll do my best to make it worth sticking around for the next 2,500 posts. (At this rate, that could be next year! :-) OK, probably not, unless I somehow start doing this full time.)

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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