Back in July TiVo emailed Series2 users who were using antenna input to give them info about the digital television transition coming in February 2009 and what they could to to continue receiving their signal. Basically add one of the TiVo-compatible digital-to-analog converter boxes, or upgrade to a TiVo with digital tuners (Series3, HD, HD XL).
Today I received an email (below) from TiVo designed to reassure me that I wouldn’t be affected by the transition. (Which I already knew, of course.) It is nice to see companies helping to explain the transition to their users. There has been a lot of confusion out there.
The email:
 |  | Dear TiVo® customer, | You may have heard about the government-mandated Digital Transition and wondered, “Does it impact me?” Great news! It doesn’t. | Because you already subscribe to cable or satellite service—and are not receiving any of your television signals for your TiVo® DVR through analog antenna—you are NOT affected by the transition and will continue to enjoy the TiVo service uninterrupted. | Just thought you’d like to know. | Thanks for being a valued member of the TiVo family! | — Your friends at TiVo Inc. |
|  |  | © 2008 TiVo Inc. TiVo and the TiVo logo are registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. or its subsidiaries worldwide. 2160 Gold Street Alviso, CA 95002-2160. All rights reserved. |

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