Software 9.3.2 Out For Series2 And Series2DT TiVos

A new software update is out for Series2 & Series2DT TiVo units – 9.3.2. If you’d like to get it sooner, register your TSN(s) on the TiVo Software Priority Request page. The update is available for model numbers starting with 110, 130, 140, 230, 240, 264, 275, 540, 542, 565, 590, 595, or 649. According to that page:

This service update reorganizes some of the TiVo Central menu choices, specifically adding a menu item for Video on Demand content from TiVo and it’s partners. If your DVR is connected to broadband, you’ll be able to enjoy the latest movies, television shows, and web videos directly from this menu. You’ll also find a new way to start Swivel Search anytime you pause a program!

Zatz Not Funny has several screencaps of the new interface. The Showcases item has been pushed off of TiVo Central, and is now a sub-item on the Music, Photos, & Showcases screen, renamed from Music, Photos, Products, & More. This has freed up a slot for a new Video on Demand menu item, which slots in just below the renamed Find Programs (no longer Find Programs & Downloads, thanks to the new item).

And now when you pause a program you may see ‘Press UP to show extras‘. When you so, you are presented with the option to find out more about the program, which links to Swivel Search. I expect that the extras could expand in the future to include other items, such as Amazon shopping for items related to the program, maybe links to bonus content, etc. EDIT: Correction – I was corrected in the comments, when you pause a program you see the Swivel Search link and can hide it by pressing ‘Down’, pressing ‘Up’ brings it back.

Like Dave, I’m sure we’ll see these new features added to the Series3, TiVo HD, and TiVo HD XL as well. Likely in a 9.4.x release in the coming weeks. TiVo traditionally has a fall update, and it is about that time. Although, unlike Dave, I’m not that surprised to see the S2 boxes getting an update. While the future is clearly with the HD units, with their newer hardware capable of things the S2 simply cannot do, the units still have a great deal in common with a shared core architecture. So it should be easier for TiVo to continue supporting the S2 than it was with the S1, which had a different architecture. Not to mention the sheer numbers of Series2 units in the field, much larger than the total number of S1 units sold. I think TiVo will continue to provide at least basic updates for the S2 platform for a while just to keep those users active.

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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