Schedule TiVo Recordings Via Text Message

Starting today there’s another way to control your TiVo remotely – text message. TiVo, in partnership with kwiry, is allowing you to schedule recordings on your TiVo my texting 59479 (k-w-i-r-y) with messages such as “TiVo the office”. So if you have a phone without a browser capable of using the TiVo Mobile website, or lack a dataplan, you can use text messages.

Details below in the press release:

kwiry Makes Your Life Even Simpler; Adds New Text Message Shortcuts and Facebook Connect Integration

Free Mobile and Online Service Adds more text messaging services: TiVo Scheduling, Yelp results, and more; Integrates with Facebook Connect to let users simply import their social graph.

San Francisco, Calif., January 14, 2009 — kwiry, the company that helps you text it before you forget it, today further enhanced its free service that turns text messages into helpful online reminders. kwiry’s latest additions to its recently launched Shortcuts platform include the ability to schedule a TV show recording on a TiVo® DVR. kwiry launched its Shortcuts service in August with Netflix and Amazon integrations.

As an example, if a co-worker raves about the latest episode of a TV show, simply text “TiVo” followed by the TV program title (e.g. “TiVo the office” to kwiry’s Text Messaging shortcode, 59479 (k-w-i-r-y). kwiry automatically schedules the next episode of the show to be recorded on your TiVo DVR. No need to rush home or remember to schedule it on your computer. The service complements other ways for TiVo subscribers to schedule their TiVo box while on the go including the TiVo Mobile web site. kwiry’s service extends TiVo scheduling to all cell phones with text messaging capabilities with no need for a browser or a data plan. With a one-time account link, all TiVo Series2™ and Series3™ DVR users can have the capability to instantly schedule a recording whenever and wherever they want.

“kwiry Shortcuts like Netflix have been very popular with new and existing users – we’ve had many requests for new Shortcuts and are excited about the new integrations with popular services like TiVo and Yelp,” said kwiry Co-founder and CEO Ron Feldman.

kwiry’s has recently added the following new Shortcuts to its free service:

  • TiVo (beta): Text “tivo the office” to schedule a recording of the next episode to your TiVo DVR.
  • Yelp: Text “yelp Grimaldis Pizza” and get contact info, reviews and more from Yelp sent to your e-mail inbox.
  • Contact Info: Text “contact” to email contact info and vCard attachment while on the go.
  • Status Updates: Text “status headed to the gym” and kwiry will update your Facebook and/or Twitter accounts.

kwiry has now also integrated with Facebook Connect, allowing people to sign-in to with their Facebook accounts, instantly adding their Facebook profile info to kwiry and allowing connections to their Facebook Friends.

“The integration with Facebook Connect simplifies the kwiry sign-up process and allows users to integrate the social aspects of Facebook into the kwiry website as well as the kwiry experience into Facebook,” Feldman continued.

About kwiry
Text it before you forget it! kwiry is a free productivity service that turns text messages, emails, voice calls, or photos into online reminders. Users simply text anything to 59479 and search results are automatically delivered to their own email, kwiry page or favorite Web start-page. Users can share kwirys with friends, offering a great way to see what others are discovering. And, integration with services like Netflix, TiVo, Amazon and Yelp and calendars such as Outlook, iCal, and Google Calendar helps keep busy people on track.

Founded in October 2006, kwiry is funded by Hummer Winblad Venture Partners in San Francisco. Visit today to stop forgetting and start texting.

Trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contact:
Ron Feldman

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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