Google+ Pages Launch Wide, Gizmo Lovers Now Has One

Google Logo Google today launched Google+ Pages, which allow non-individuals to have pages on G+. Non-individual means companies, brands, performers, blogs, etc. The same idea as Facebook fan pages, etc. They even put together a little video to promote them:

Now that Google+ Pages are available I’ve created one for Gizmo Lovers, joining the Facebook page and Twitter Feed. I also added a quick link to the page in the navigation column to the right. There don’t appear to be any WordPress plugins for auto-posting new content into G+. (There are a few for pulling content from G+ into WordPress.) That’s not surprising considering it just launched and it doesn’t look like Google has published a posting API yet, so I’ll be manually posting links there for now. For the past few days I’ve been sharing Gizmo Lovers posts on my personal G+ profile, but now that Gizmo Lovers has its own page I will no longer be doing so. This is the last one I’ll share there.

If you want to create your own G+ Page, hit up

They also launched Direct Connect, which allows users to add entities to their G+ Circles directly from Google search results when they prepend a ‘+’ to the search term. So instead of searching on ‘Pepsi’ and getting the usual results, seach on ‘+Pepsi’ and it takes you directly to the Pepsi G+ Page. And they released a quick video on that as well:

You have to satisfy some secret formula for Google to deign you worthy of Direct Connect, so it only works for select pages currently.

About MegaZone

MegaZone is the Editor of Gizmo Lovers and the chief contributor. He's been online since 1989 and active in several generations of 'social media' - mailing lists, USENet groups, web forums, and since 2003, blogging.    MegaZone has a presence on several social platforms: Google+ / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn / LiveJournal / Web.    You can also follow Gizmo Lovers on other sites: Blog / Google+ / Facebook / Twitter.
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