Way back in 2005 TiVo announced a deal with the National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC) to make TiVo available to their members – over 1,000 Tier 2 & 3 cable operators. But nothing big ever seemed to come of it.
Now TiVo is being marketed to the NCTC again, only this time it is through Evolution Digital. Evolution Digital has made a new deal with the NCTC to market DTAs (Digital Transport Adapters) and TiVo products to NCTC members. Dealing collectively through the NCTC gives the smaller operators more bargaining power to get better deals. Currently the TiVo Premiere is included in the deal, but TiVo multi-room solutions (which I read as the Premiere Q/Elite and Preview) will be added in the coming months.
Via CED Magazine.