Remember last November when Sling Media launched SlingPlayer for Facebook and I tried to see if the player was embed-able in other sites, with disastrous results? No? Well, that happened.
Anyway, they’ve now launched an actual Embedded SlingPlayer, which you see here:
Actually, that’s one of two options, called the Launch Pad. That pops open the player in a new window, and it is designed for embedding within blogs and such with limited width – like this one – as it is 500×200. The other option is the Full Player, which is just what it sounds like, and is 768×800. You can get the code to include it in your own page from their page.
It is Flash-based, and should work in any Flash-enabled browser on any platform, including Linux – and likely on any set top boxes, gaming consoles, etc., which will run Flash. Go head, give it a try and leave a comment.